Reading groups vs bookclubs

Thank you Terry for hosting a wonderfully relaxed and pleasant evening - with memorable books and eats. It was interesting to hear Alison's sister-in-law, Ann's take on the London "reading group" scene. Her groups choose one book which everyone reads and discusses, in contrast to our group where everyone chooses a few books each month - and the trick is to inspire (or deter) others to read them without giving away too much.
Interestingly, you can even join an online reading group, like that of the Guardian.

Terry's friend Veronica's Yoghurt Cake
  1 cup caster sugar
  3 ex large eggs
  175 ml yogurt
  175 ml oil
  5 ml vanilla essence
  525 ml self-raising flour

Add a pinch of salt to the flour Cream eggs and sugar. Add yoghurt and beat well. Add oil and beat well. Add vanilla essence. Add flour & salt and blend well. Pour into greased loaf pan. Bake at 160 °C for 1 hour. Terry added 50 g dried cranberries and covered the cake with a white chocolate ganache. (A basic ganache is made from 200g chocolate and 100ml cream. Melt chocolate and beat in cream. Allow to cool before using to cover cake.)