Fish Pie and World Peace

Time flies and two bookclubs have passed since this blog was updated. Thanks to Terry and to Joan for the previous two occasions. Last Wednesday Joan introduced us to Sri Sri Ravishankar and his philosophy for world peace, the Art of Living, and fed us delicious food and gave us wonderful books to take home, all of which made us feel very peaceful. Thank you.
And thanks to Bev for the personalized bookmark gifts. Much appreciated!
Here is the recipe for the delish fish pie.
 Fish Pie
1 cup savoury biscuit crumbs

4 T melted marg
250 g flaked fish 
250 g savoury cottage cheese
2 large eggs
1 T cake flour
2 onions (sauteed in ½T marg) 
2 T lemon juice
½ t sugar
2 cups grated cheese
Sprinkle biscuits on bottom of pan – pour over melted marg. 
Mix all filling ingredients together reserving cheese to sprinkle on top. 
Spoon on top of crust. 
 Bake 35-40 minutes at 190 °C

and a fishy Pi of another sort:
You've seen the movie - now read the book - again! It is worth a second visit.